Midwest Organic Solid State Chemistry Symposium
June 18
University of Iowa – University of Illinois (Virtual)
Abstract Submission Deadline
Monday, June 7th, 2021
With the ongoing effects of COVID-19, MOSSCS 28 – or V-MOSSCS – will be held virtually on Zoom
Registration Fee
The event is free but registration is required

Plenary Speakers
Plenary speakers will provide insight into the emerging trends and developments in the field of solid-state chemistry.
Call for Papers
You are invited to contribute to the 28th MOSSCS, or V-MOSSCS, to be held Friday, June 18th on Zoom! Make sure to submit your abstract by June 7th for consideration.

Social Gathering
Enjoy a social discussion in with fellow solid-chemists at the end of V-MOSSCS to celebrate the endurance and achievements of the community during these difficult times. The event will be an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and research results pertaining to the organic solid state in an informal atmosphere.
V-MOSSCS is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all symposium participants.
General rules
- Participants should treat each other with respect and consideration.
- Recording, taking photography, or screenshots without the explicit permission from presenters is not permitted.
- The use of inappropriate content or language during presentations is strictly forbidden.
During oral presentations
- Questions: Indicate in Zoom chat “I have a question”, and the session moderator will try to handle each question in order. When called upon, please enable your video/audio when asking a question.
- We encourage conversations to also be continued in Zoom chat or in
- Do not interrupt the presentation, and please keep your microphone muted, unless when called upon to ask a question.
Adapted from the American Crystallographic Association Statements and Policies.